Myself alongside Tiskita can offer you some information with how best to travel to Tiskita considering the lay of the land. Please read this information Tiskita has provided: TRAVEL TO TISKITA
All travel is NOT included in retreat price:
international travel
intercontinental travel to and from from the retreat
any travel during retreat is at your own cost
I RECOMMEND taking a private charter flight directly from San Jose to Tiskita’s private landing strip. The charter plane direct to and from Tiskita is the easiest, fastest way. This would have to be coordinated with other retreat participants so let me know as soon as you sign up if you are interested.
The charter planes are 4 seater planes. There are weight restrictions for these flights that will require traveling light. The video below shows a little what it’s like and you will experience breathtaking views on your journey.
Other options include car rentals, taxis, a bus and even a boat. Your Intercontinental travel to and from Tiskita will not be less than $500 (unless you have time to take the bus, which is incredibly inexpensive but a full day journey). Check out Tiskita’s website and then reach out with Qs.